My Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer in Black Onyx
A little glitz for my cupcakes...
As per usual, I was very spoiled Christmas Day. Santa brought me everything I had asked for...and then some! I received some beautiful handmade gifts made with love by my mum, including a gorgeous pillow complete with sepia transfers (you can purchase these at Michael's and they are absolutely fabulous for updating pillows or tote bags). My brother bought me an iPOD (in my favourite colour), loaded with all of my favourite songs, and a sprinkle set for my cakes/cupcakes which will give them a little glitz!
My stocking was stuffed with chocolates, gift certificates and mini spa-essentials, including a mini-moisturizing kit from J.R. Watkins Apothecary. Their body lotions are 100% organic, natural, and they do not perform animal testing (something that we always look for on the products we use), not to mention the fact that they smell delicious!
I also got a gorgeous pair of black 'suede' boots and copious amounts of clothes from the Gap and Banana Republic. I highly recommend visiting both stores now, as their boxing day sales are out of this world. But, my favourite gift of all would have to be my Black Onyx Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer...I can't wait to try it out!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are enjoying the holidays!