The rules are...
*Put the logo on your blog
*Link the person from whom your received the award
*Nominate at least 7 other blogs
*Post a link to those blogs
*Leave a message letting them know you have passed the award on to them
I am giving the award to...
1.) Brenda Kula @ http://thebrendablog.typepad.com/
2.) Kasey @ http://lolabboutique.blogspot.com/
3.) Nita @ http://redtinheart.blogspot.com/
4.) Jeanne @ http://jeannesbliss.blogspot.com/
5.) Becca @ http://bluebirdroses.blogspot.com/
6.) Rosemary @ http://rosespetitemaison.blogspot.com/
7.) Lisa @ http://btchwstix.blogspot.com/
8.) Cherry @ http://cherrysjubileehome.blogspot.com/
9.) Susie @ http://rabbitruncottage.blogspot.com/
10.) Racheal @ http://milesawayinfrance.blogspot.com/
Congrats on your award!!
Thanks for passing it on.
Thank you so much!! I am very touched and honored!
I am having a giveaway on my blog; please do stop by!
Love and hugs
Thanks my sweet friend.
Love Jeanne
You failed to inform me that i won this award!
how thoughtful, thanks!!
congrats! Thanks for passin it on to me...I am honored. I will add it to my post tomrrow. cherry
Dear Kate,
It has been so fun catching up with you!
Sending blessings to your new nest!
Looks as if you have been busy this summer. Your Christmas tree and ornaments are fantastic!
Glad you and your mum still can shop together on Saturdays.
Love and hugs
I miss you.
Rabbit Rabbit
Happy October 1st.
I send my very best wishes
as always.
May we all be blessed with only the best.
Love Jeanne ^j^
You are too sweet...You so deserve this award. And I want to thank you for passing it to me. I am honored and humbled. You are a darlin' young lady.
Thank you so much for the award. I must have missed you notifying me. I am so sorry. So terribly kind of you to give it to me.
Knitty, Vintage and Rosy
Thank you Kate! I love your blog too. Thinking of you this evening. xoxo Nita
Posting from my other site..
Dear Kate...I wanted to pop in here to say hello. I know you have been so busy of late and not able to blog often. I have been uinable to visit friends as I once did...still, I think of you all often. It was with such sadness that I read your Mother's blog today. My heart breaks for you all and I too feel the loss of sweet Ben. As i told your Mom, I feel like I too have lost a dear friend. he was such a special boy and was sl well loved. His was truly a life well lived and enjoyed. He will never be forgotten by anyone whose life he touched. Hugs and love to you all...
I love your blog......
me, I've been away 2 long
Congratulations on your award.
love Alison x
Hi there........I hope all is well! I see you have not posted in awhile! BLessings, cherry
I was just checking in with you and wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas! Cherry
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