Tag was always my favourite game when I was a kid, and so naturally I enjoy being 'tagged' in the blogging world. In a recent post, my mum tagged me to pick up the book nearest to me, turn to page 28, find paragraph 3 & write about that paragraph. Next to my bedside table for the last couple of weeks has been the book "The Red Tent" which I actually just finished reading this afternoon.
The book itself actually revolves around the Book of Genesis and the lives of Jacob and his twelve sons. What amazes me about this book is that it is told from the eyes of women, who are largely silenced and remain peripheral in the Bible. It speaks of midwifery, marriage, childbirth, life, death and the traditions of ancient womanhood within the 'Red Tent'. Specifically, page 28 speaks of women's experiences during childbirth and of child rearing, and of both the difficulties and the joys of becoming a parent.
I have spoken of this book before in past posts and many of you have either read this book and have recommended it, or have it next to your bedside waiting for the opportunity to begin reading it. In my opinion, "The Red Tent" deserves all of the acclaim it has received-
it is a must read!
I am Tagging:
All of you! And I look forward to reading your posts about the books that have inspired you!
I will definitely get a copy of this book, and I'm glad that you recommended it!
I hope that you will have a wonderful weekend.
This book has been on my nightstand for months, I hope to read it soon..Thanks Kate.!
Sounds good.
Have a great weekend.
Great post. Thank you for the recommendation. I'll look for The Red Tent next week at the library used book fair.
Back Porch Musings
Hi French Nest,
It is on my list!
I loved reading your review. I need a trip book so maybe this would be a good one!
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