"Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you"
~Frank Lloyd Wright
From the top of our lilac bush to the bottom of our garden, we are blessed with so much beauty.
From the buzz of the bumblebees and the chirping of the birds, to the croaking of our little toad and the soft pitter patter of little paws, we are surrounded by nature.
Nests are being built in the trees above us and our toad nestles in his little 'toad house' under the garden bushes.
I had to stop and watch their industriousness and their beauty...
"I meant to do my work today,
But a little bird sang in the apple tree,
And a butterfly flitted across the field,
And all the leaves were calling me"
~Richard LeGallienne
Oh my gosh, do you really have a toad in a toad house?? I have always wanted to try that. I doubt if I could lure a toad into my yard. I have seen those little houses and they are so cute.
Thanks for sharing,
Summer time and the living is easy..!
So easy to become distracted when we have a garden.
Enjoy the weekend Kate..
That bunny is so sweet! and I so wish we could grow lilacs here...I can almost smell the aroma just from your photo.
I hope that you have a lovely weekend!
I forgot them.
Your gardens are full of life and love.
So glad you enjoy them.
"Hi", to the bumble bees.
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