Là où le Tour Eiffel est seulement un rêve loin...
Shoes from the Bata Shoe Museum
Art from the Royal Ontario Museum
...More Art from the ROM
The CN Tower at Night
Some of my friends and I decided to spend the day in Toronto, Ontario. We had a great time exploring the many landmarks of the city including the CN Tower, the Royal Ontario Museum, the Gardiner Museum, the Bata Shoe Museum (Carrie from Sex & the City would definitely have been impressed!) and to finish it off we caught a show at Toronto's Second City.
My favourite part of the day was visiting the Bata Shoe Museum, where we saw shoes worn by David Bowie and Ella Fitzgerald, as well as an assortment of French shoes which were displayed in a Parisian inspired room complete with French chandeliers! Ohh la la!
The Royal Ontario Museum was also amazing, and there we were able to see an assortment of art forms including a totem pole which was centred in the middle of the main foyer, 20th century Canadian flame work pieces including a horse drawn carriage and a nativity scene, as well as a collection of Lalique perfume bottles and china, a paper weight display and art deco furniture....stunning!
Lastly, we visited Second City, a comedy club in Toronto where the likes of Canadian comedians such as Martin Short, Dan Ackroyd, John Candy, Catherine O'Hara and Gilda Radner have performed in the past. The show and improv performed was fabulous.
I saved the best picture for last...the CN Tower in all its glory at night.