Speaking of Sophie Honeysuckle, on a recent post she had posted some beautiful photos of her Venetian mirror above a fireplace in one of the rooms in her home. I have always loved Venetian mirrors and have a small Venetian perfume tray on my dresser. So, you can just imagine my amazement (and excitement!) when I saw this large Venetian mirror at HomeSense this afternoon for only $100!! It wasn't on the floor yet, but I spotted it out of the corner of my eye in the back room. I kept returning to see if they were going to eventually bring out onto the floor, and the two stock boys standing in front of it kept smirking...I think they interpreted my interest as interest in THEM rather than the mirror! What I really wanted to do was ask them to move so that I could keep checking the beautiful mirror out!!
That mirror IS gorgeous!! I am envious with a capital EEEEEE!
Love those pink flowers as well.
I just found Sophie's blog last week and love it so! She will be delighted for you that you found such a mirror!! You have such lovely taste!
Those silly stock boys...: )
I didn't have any luck at the garage sales yesterday at all. I love your pink flowers. Your mirror is amazing. Lucky girl!
I also love Sophie's blog.
Your friend,
I adore Venetian glass. I have a small mirrored picture frame but thats it
The pink flowers are very sweet, I love that vintage design, and the colour too.
I've had no luck at garage sales for a while. Rummage sales and church jumble sales - they are the best!!
My oh my!
You do have the eye!
Lovely pink flower trays, so handy.
Nice for tea bag holders...
Mirror is so pretty, just like you!
Great price too!
Oh your mirror is gorgeous-what a bargain, how did I miss this post? And thank-you for the lovely mention about my blog too! x
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