Inspired by Sophie's most recent post and request to see photos of 'Ralph', I have posted a few photos of the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning...and the first thing I've seen in the morning for the past 22 years! This is one of my first childhood toys, given to me when I was just a baby. My mum bought Ralph because he reminded her so much of Doris Day's dog, 'Biggest' (and being the huge Doris Day fan my mum is, I'm surprised by name isn't Doris!)
Ralph is a very well loved and well travelled dog. He has done more travelling than some people, having visited most of Canada and the United States! He tagged along on sleepovers, comforted me when I had the chickenpox, and was always the first thing loaded back into the car in order to guarantee he would never be left behind in a hotel room! (it happened once, and we drove all the way back to find him sitting at the front desk in the lobby...whew!)
He still wears the red collar with the name tag I wrote our address on when I was 5, and he has a very cute black felt nose, which has been worn over the years. Much like in the book "The Velveteen Rabbit", Ralph is so beloved he's become life-like.
I'd love to hear about your treasured stuffed toys and the memories behind them!
Ralph is such a sweetie & holds so many great memories :-}
Great post hon
I hope Ben doesn't get too jealous!
He is so cute! I think that it is so great that you still have him.
I still have my little rocking chair from when I was little. My daughter used it,and some day her kids can use it too.
Tell your mom that I like Doris Day too. I love those old movies.
Wow! That is amazing! ..how cool! I had a ragged old Teddy bear that I carried everywhere...and when I moved back to the states from Canada...He somehow never made it with me...I had him for 33 years! I STILL have my worn out fave doll from when I was a kid in the 50's! along with some other dolls and stuffed toys.. I could never bring my self to give them away !
Ralph is cute!
My granddaughter Xanti, has Chelsea. G'pa J bought Chelsea (a doll with cloth body) at a Wal-mart after Christmas sale, when Xanti was a year old. Chelsea looks a tad worse for wear, but Xanti would not part with her long enough for a stay at the doll hospital!
Xanti's 17 and Chelsea, age 16, still resides in her room and heart.
Back Porch Musings
Ralph looks like he would be very comforting and huggable. I used to have a teddy,(from when I was born) and when we emigrated I was 17...I had been here almost 6 months when I missed him. He had not been brought with us, and I have no idea what happened to him. I still think of him. I used to knit him clothes when I was about 8..!
Dear Kate,
Please give Ralph a soft nose rub from me! I have the little cloth dolly my grandmother made for me when I was very small, 2 years old, I think. I have held her many times as an adult. She gives me a comfort when I am very, very, very sad. My sister also had a cloth dolly from our grandmother and when Cindy died I held my dolly for many days!
so glad you treasure Ralph. He is real.
Sherry, who is very kind to her "inner child"
Oh I love Ralph!!
Are he and Ben great friends? I will have to take photos of some of mine soon. I always carry a little teddy that just seems to bring good luck!
Bill got him for me years ago...
Hang on to Ralph dear Kate! he is full of love and memories!
Oh I really, really liked this post! You have inspired me to write about the "lovies" as we call them, at my house!
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