When I was a little girl I corresponded with my great Aunt Nancy in England who often sent me little presents....sometimes, even bigger gifts would arrive like these beautiful vintage glasses she sent me in their original case when I was 7 years old. Now, you wouldn't think that a seven year old would appreciate such a gift, but I wasn't your 'regular' seven year old. (I asked for a typewriter and Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' tape when I was three...and got it! Luckily, my parents have always admired my unique personality!)
My great aunt's situation was unique in the fact that she didn't want children and she and her husband were very happy working as groundskeepers to a wealthy (childless) family in England. When this couple passed, the house and its contents were left to my great aunt and her husband. Her dream was to be 100 years old and we were so thrilled that she lived to see her 100th birthday which was July 23rd.
I came across the glasses the other night tucked away in one of my favourite books, and great memories came back as soon as I found them. Isn't it wonderful when our treasured possessions bring such a great sense of family tradition?