Last summer, my mum and I worked on our "Discovery Journals", and managed to finish the entire book during a warm afternoon spent outside in our garden patio. Surrounded by baskets of magazines, stamps, vintage photos and postcards, we let our imaginations run wild. Occasionally, we went inside for lemonade and sandwiches...but aside from that, we never left our "work station". By the time the sun had set, we had created a visual autobiography of our authentic selves. We had explored our authentic style, spiritual journal, dream vacations, dream gardens and the last edition, "Someday"...
Que rêvez-vous de faire un jour ?
Que rêvez-vous de faire un jour ?
Your discovery journal pages look very much like mine. I have trouble translating it into reality however...that is something I'm still working on.
What a very good idea! I made a big poster board treasure map along that same idea! I need to make a new refreshed one!
This is something I am going to undertake. I think it's a lovely way to use magazines.
Okay, it's time for me to get started...
Enough of the idle chatter.
Great idea. Something for me to think abou!
I have that same journal given to me by my son yrs. ago and now you have inspired me to fill it with my dreams! thank you.hugs
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