I caught up on my favourite blogs this afternoon and discovered that my mum had nominated me for a "Brilliante Weblog" award! Thanks mum!
The rules are...
*Put the logo on your blog
*Add a link to the person who awarded you
*Nominate at least 7 other blogs
* Add their links
*Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
I have nominated....
1.) Rosemary at Roses Petite Maison - You will love Rosemary's creative endeavours and fabulous vintage finds!
2.) Jeanne at Jeanne's Bliss Blog - Jeanne's positive attitude is infectious and inspirational. If ever you need a boost in your day, you are sure to find it here!
3.) Nita at Red Tin Heart - Nita writes from the heart and her inspirational words are heartfelt. She reminds us to live each day to its fullest.
4.) Susie at Bienvenue - Susie's creations are not only French and fabulous, but her blog is too! Don't forget to visit her Etsy shop and see all of her wonderful designs!
5.) Fifi at Fifi Flowers Decor - Fifi's blog is bright and cheerful! Wonderful artwork and stories to accompany them.
6.) Kathy at French Pedestals and Dreams - Kathy is a treasure hunter...you are sure to love her unique ideas and fabulous finds which she turns from drab to fab!
7.) Susie at Rabbit Run Cottage - Susie's blog is always uplifting and humourous...next week, we will be hunting down Brian Dennehy just for you, Susie! :)
I came by just to say Hi and I found that you gave me an award... How sweet of you! Thanks for the comments and now the award... You are too much girlfriend... Susie h~
Thank you for the nomination... I was already nominated and did this... I don't know what the ruling is on more than one award... hmmm
I am honoured!
Thank you Kate!!
That was very sweet of you.
Congrats to you too!!
I will try to get to that nominating the blogs tomorrow!!
Thanks again,
Wow--what a treasure YOU are, Kate!
Thanks so much! I am honored!
I love your blog and am going to get back to my reading of it now.....!
Stop by again soon--you're awfully sweet.
Kathy D /Vintageweave and
French Pedestals and Dreams
Thank you for your sweetness and your friendship and for this award.
Love Jeanne
Sweet, sweet Kate! Thank you so much. I am humbled and honored. I have been such a bad blog friend of late so I am especially honored by this in light of that.
i will do this...as soon as our company is away. We have a family visiting from Germany and I haven't much blog time!
I am so thrilled that you an dyour sweet mother will be going to see Brian. I hear it is a wonderful performance! Have fun and say hello from me! *smile*
You lucky ladies!
Love and hugs dear Kate,
Congrats to all the nominees!:)SO happy I have insomnia tonight & get to catch up on favorite blogs! LOL! :)chris
Thank you for all the new blogs to check out along with finding yours.
I'm always looking... for something new and great...I'll start with these.
Hi I'm new to your blog - and just thought I'd say how lovely it is. will pop back soon :o)
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