Mum picked me up these absolutely gorgeous pink tulips. After our snow storm yesterday, we weren't able to get out and splurge on the usual Valentine goodies, so when we went out this morning the first thing we headed to was the flower stand. I was surprised (well, not really) when I turned around and saw them waiting in our basket...mum had snuck them in! So now, on my night stand, are these stunning petites tulipes roses. When the alarm goes off in the morning, they will be the first things I see. Aren't I a lucky gal?
Quelle meilleure manière de commencer le matin que regardant des fleurs ? Rappelez-vous de prendre du temps de sentir les fleurs dans votre vie
Dear French Nest,
Flowers on the night stand is heavenly! You have a very dear Mum!
You are a charming daughter as well.
I must have flowers! I go about my house smelling each bloom and saying, "thank you". I do love flowers.
Your pink tulips are lovely.
Have you ever done flower pressing? It is very fun and so nice for scrapbooking and card making. I also dry the flowers my husband gives me and use them in potpourri.
Flowers are treasures.
Those are beautiful. There is nothing like flowers in winter to lift your spirits.
Oooo can't believe I haven't found cette blog before! I only have a french word here and there so maybe mainteneau I can't learn un peu more!!
How sweet! Flowers just lift ones's spitits and make a house a home. Flowers in Winter are especially dear. YOu have such a great Mom and she, a special daughter.
Those are beauuuutiful! Flowers on the nightstand... sigh - I love that. I am going to splurge on flowers for my night stand tomorrow :) Thank you!
These beautiful tulips remind me so much of the pink tulips I had for our wedding reception.
I had them imported as we had a Valentine Day Wedding (Feb 12th)
I love pretty flowers and appreciate them all the more in cold February.
You are so lucky to have your beautiful Mother.
Treasure her.
Love you
I love tulips! I like to buy a little pot and watch them bloom!
There is just nothing like having fresh flowers in the house. What a sweet gesture from your dear mom..and to wake up to them...divine!
You are a lucky gal with those flowers. I feel I need to run out on Sunday and pick up some tulips for myself. And I agree, seeing something like that first thing in the morning is a great way to start. Thank you for sharing. By the way, the cupcakes you made for Valentine's day are beautiful. I do so love cupcakes :o)
Lucky just isn't the word for it...I planted 150 tulips late last fall...I'm ready and watching every day.
Will be posting their arrival.
Just beautiful!!!
Beautiful tulips!!!! Pink is my favoutite colour and tulips are my favourite spring colour.
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