The rules are...
*Put the logo on your blog
*Link the person from whom your received the award
*Nominate at least 7 other blogs
*Post a link to those blogs
*Leave a message letting them know you have passed the award on to them
I am giving the award to...
1.) Brenda Kula @ http://thebrendablog.typepad.com/
2.) Kasey @ http://lolabboutique.blogspot.com/
3.) Nita @ http://redtinheart.blogspot.com/
4.) Jeanne @ http://jeannesbliss.blogspot.com/
5.) Becca @ http://bluebirdroses.blogspot.com/
6.) Rosemary @ http://rosespetitemaison.blogspot.com/
7.) Lisa @ http://btchwstix.blogspot.com/
8.) Cherry @ http://cherrysjubileehome.blogspot.com/
9.) Susie @ http://rabbitruncottage.blogspot.com/
10.) Racheal @ http://milesawayinfrance.blogspot.com/